<aside> đź“Ś After someone has made a design, use this checklist to make sure that everything has been done correctly. Try to use common sense and think about how the design would be in real life.



  1. For all of these, go through and double check everything even if you are absolutely positive there’s no issue
    1. If you checked any of them in the same day you’re reviewing, have someone else check for you
  2. Make sure assumptions in design document are correct.
    1. Usage of COTS parts (ensure they exist/we have them)
      1. Gearboxes
        1. Gear ratios
      2. Wheels
        1. Size + type
      3. Motors
      4. Gears/sprockets/chain/belts/pulleys
        1. Tooth count + bore/mounting type
        2. For example: some gears don’t come w/ VersaKeys mount
    2. Quantities of COTS parts
    3. Thickness of gussets/sheet/plate


  1. Make sure there is no blue component to a sketch
    1. If it doesn’t matter, just constrain it to something so we can be absolutely sure it’s fine
  2. Check every sketch to ensure dimensional accuracy
    1. Wall thickness of tubing
    2. Thickness of sheet
    3. Spacing for hole pattern
      1. Spaced from center of hole to edge of piece
      2. Parallel to edge of 2x1/gusset
    4. Center distance between sprockets/pulleys/belts
      1. Make sure it’s actually center distance, not horizontal/vertical distance
        1. Especially important to triple check when center distance is almost horizontal/vertical so it’s not easy to see
      2. Make sure center add is correct based on what we use for the situation
      3. Make sure pitch diameter of gear correctly matches what it is supposed to be
        1. Some gears have a pitch diameter of a different gear size (motor pinions do this sometimes)
    5. Holes correct distance from edge of piece
      1. 0.2” from edge of hole to edge of piece at minimum, more if hole is bigger than 0.25”
  3. Make sure things are different pieces when they’re supposed to be
    1. Check extrudes to make sure they’re set to “new” when they’re supposed to be
  4. Make sure holes go all the way through when they’re supposed to, and don’t when they’re not
    1. Check extrudes for depth and make sure they go all the way through
  5. Make sure things are mated to the correct holes
    1. Check all mates to ensure there isn’t weird stuff happening with offsets
  6. Ensure there is enough clearance around holes for mounting screws/rivets/whatever else
  7. Ensure there is a direction of printing that will not result in parts breaking/printing poorly for all 3D printed parts
    1. 3D printed parts fail along layer lines, so make sure that the part is possible to print in an orientation that minimizes force along layer lines
      1. It’s possible to print if there are minimal overhangs and such if you were to layer it vertically in that orientation
  8. Ensure that screws, rivets, motor mounts, and anything else that may need to be accessed is easily accessible
    1. This means not buried behind 20 things that have to be removed in order to access properly
    2. Ideally, not buried behind anything at all
    3. At a bare minimum, possible to assemble (so accessible at least once, if you’re positive it will never need to be replaced)
  9. Make sure shaft retention is possible for all shafts
  10. Ensure that all parts (COTS, designed, or whatever else) are added with correct quantities to the PBS sheet
    1. For COTS parts, ensure that the vendor part number is in the comments section for the part in the Common sheet
  11. Run the Onshape interference check to ensure there is no clipping between parts
    1. Run in all possible states of the assembly that the robot may reach (arm up, arm down, arm up w/ elevator up, etc.)
      1. Sometimes it’s important to run between states as well, as that’s where you find problems

<aside> đź’ˇ Adapted from Google Doc to Notion
