Purpose of Controls
Controls is the subteam concerned with robot functionality and movement. This is done through programming which controls mainly concerns itself with. Controls is also involved with robot vision, which allows the robot to understand its surrounding and also automate some tasks.
How do we code?
- Using WPILib (Worcester Polytechnic Institute Library) which allows us to write code that interacts with the robot.
- We use Kotlin for our robot code.
- We use Intellij IDEA for our IDE, for installation look here (Setting Up your Development Environment )
- All code is in the github → (https://github.com/team4099)
- Gradle is our build system
./gradle build
to compile and ./gradle deploy
runs code and sens it to robot.
- Driver station controls our robot, takes human input from xbox controller.
What electronics do we use?
- RoboRIO is the brains of the robot
- We connect things such as the router and cameras to the RIO via ethernet.
- A 12V battery similar to a car battery.
- PDP distributes power to all of our different components.