Team 2481's robot revolved around one big bicycle wheel powered by 3 Falcons that functioned as an indexer and shooter. The balls would come in from the side and move along the circumference of the wheel.

Using one wheel avoids balls jamming in corners and turns. Also, it cuts down on the number of motors used. One downside would be that the robot has to be tall to accommodate for this.

The peeled balls were to make sure that the robot can handle balls that have gone through different amounts of wear and tear. One major difference between peeled/torn balls and fully intact balls is that the peeled balls compress more quicker and more easily. 2481's large wheel gave enough contact time with the flywheel that by the time the balls came out, they were compressed about the same regardless of condition.

The bicycle wheel solves the problem of the flywheel slowing down after each shot. Since most of the mass is on the edge, the wheel has higher moment of inertia. Another lesson: nothing restricts you to only using robot-specific products.